Imperial Defence Force & Catterick Garrison Vs City of York Militia - Overrun
Deployment: A combined taskforce from the Imperial Defence Force, Catterick Garrison, and including armoured support are renewing the offensive towards York. The detachment of the City of York Militia defending this hamlet know they have no chance, all they can do is slow down the enemy and buy time for their comrades before they are overrun. Turn 1: On the left the fascists surge forwards in three groups on both sides of the road. Inside the house Anthony, Steven and their leader Leo barely have time to respond, scrambling up to the windows and firing a few hurried shots to no effect. The Catterick Garrison spread out, with Pte Foggarty and Dury ordered to take the lead and check the pigpen for the enemy. Henry is startled to find Pte Foggarty bearing down on him, taking a rifle butt to the head that knocks him out cold. Turn 2: Sgt Flack and SC Murphy make it up to the windows, under covering fire from SC Grubb and Craddock. Flack deftly chucks a grenade through the ...