Imperial Defence Force Vs Catterick Garrison - Assassinate
Deployment: With the rebellion spreading even into the ranks of the regular army, the government has formed a new special constabulary: The Imperial Defence Force. They are made up entirely of young BUF members itching to crack down on the 'troublemakers'. In this scenario the Imperial Defence Force are attempting to assassinate a militia liaison, working with rogue elements of the Catterick Garrison. Sgt Flack leads the bulk of the section on the left, whilst Sgt McGarry takes a few men to outflank on the right.
Turn 1: Pte Dury is busy gathering kindling, when he is startled to see the fascists advancing across the next field.
He grabs his rifle he snaps off a shot, hitting the enemy Sgt square in the shoulder.
Hearing shots fired, Sgt McGarry's men dash towards the house.
Turn 2: Pte Everest fires through the window, putting a bullet into Special Constable Murphy's ankle. SC Grubb hits the deck by the garden wall, whilst the Sgt boldly charges up with his pistol.
Meanwhile SC Hopwood and Craddock make it to the hedgerow and spot their target; Mildred of the City of York Militia. Unfortunately Pte Owen and Pte Cooke are securely ensconced behind the solid brick walls of the pigpen and have readied their Lewis gun. The first burst scythes through the hedge and Hopwood goes down clutching his stomach and trying to hold his guts in.
SC Bracket and Varley turn to face Pte Dury, and they trade shots across the field.
Pte Frost hops the wall of the pigpen and dashes towards the house, whilst ordering Mildred to run for safety. Pte Owen keeps up the pressure with the Lewis gun, which combined with hearing his dying comrades screams sends SC Craddock into a state of shock. Dropping his weapon he presses his body into the earth, unable to respond or continue the fight.
Turn 3: In the house Pte Everest squeezes off another round, grazing Sgt McGarry's temple. The fascist is temporarily blinded by the blood pouring down his face. SC Grubb hurls a grenade into the house, showering Pte Everest in shrapnel and forcing him to take cover away from the windows. Grubb then takes the opportunity to dash forward again towards the retreating target.
SC Lovelace and Bracket lurch up to the hedgerow with SC Varley close behind. Seeing movement Pte Owen fires another burst, wounding both men.
Whilst Pte Frost swings around the corner of the cottage, SC Grubb is carefully lining up his shot on Mildred. Just as she's about to disappear through the hedgerow the round rings out, leaving her crumpled body lying dead on the field. Despite massive casualties the Imperial Defence Force win!
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