Battle off Gibralter

Deployment: In early 1941 Vichy France has declared war on the British empire and dispatched its fleet to draw off British naval forces ahead of a prospective German invasion. This battle takes in the straights of Gibraltar, so the long board edges are unscrollable. For this scenario both sides have a 100pt starting force, and a 50pt reinforcement force steaming towards the action. The arrival time and location of the reinforcements is randomised between the short board edges, once enemy reinforcements arrive each fleet is permitted to retreat from the opposite short board edge. 

The French have their two modern battlecruisers Strasbourg and Dunkerque, three modern light cruisers La Galissonniere, Gloire and Montcalm, as well as four destroyers. The British have three modernised dreadnoughts Warspite, Malaya and Barham, escorted by three destroyers.

Turn's 1 & 2: The two fleets cautiously move to engage. The British concentrate their battleships in one squadron with their destroyer screen shadowing to the north. The French have split their destroyers up to support their three squadrons, two led by light cruisers and one by the battlecruisers. 

Turn 3: The French battlecruisers and Montcalm steam straight ahead whilst Gloire and Galissonniere tack northward. The British turn to bring their broadside to bear and score a hit 
on Dunkerque disabling a main turret. 

Turn 4: The French battlecruisers turn hard to port and are pursued by the British battleships. The British destroyers appear to break off and are chased down by Montcalm and her squadron. 

Turn 5: The capitol ships exchange a long range broadside. Dunkerque is hit but has a lucky escape, taking only superficial damage and losing a secondary battery. Barham however is crippled as both Dunkerque and Strasbourg send shells ploughing through her thin deck armor. To make matters worse the supporting volley from Gloire knocks out Malaya's fire director. 

In the north west corner the British destroyers turn around and get the better of the torpedo exchange, losing one of their number but sinking two of their French counterparts.

Turn 6: The French battlecruisers move to close in on crippled Barham, but the supporting fire from the rest of the British squadron knocks out Dunkerque's remaining 13" turret, leaving her with only her secondary armament. The deadeye gunners on Gloire take aim at Warspite, and succeed in knocking out her fire control computer as well! The British destroyers make all speed to the shelter of their capitol ships whilst Montcalm turns to pursue. 

Turn 7: As Dunkerque breaks off to the south west, Strasbourg closes in for the kill forcing the crew of Barham to abandon ship. An escorting destroyer chances a torpedo spread and scores a hit on Malaya, causing flooding that reduces her speed and makes her an easy target. La Galissonniere and Montcalm sandwich the British destroyers between them and begin to inflict damage. 

Turn 8: Strasbourg switches targets, and as the first shells land the air is filled with the thunderous sound of Malaya being ripped apart as her magazine explodes. 

The combined barrage of Montcalm and two destroyers put the British destroyers out of action, leaving Warspite alone against the entire French fleet. 

Turn 9: Stunned at her success but not wishing to chance their luck further, Strasbourg picks this moment to break off and regroup with the rest of the fleet.

Turn 10: Flushed with success and overconfidence the French lookouts neglect the western horizon, allowing the British relief force to close within range! This taskforce consists of the battleship Nelson and five escorting destroyers.  

In a lucky escape none of the French ships are hit in the massed torpedo barrage, but their fleet is now trapped between Nelson on one side and Warspite on the other.

Turn 11: The French destroyers are eliminated by their counterparts, but Dunkerque gets its revenge and sinks a British destroyer with her remaining secondaries. Strasbourg turns to give Warspite a broadside, and the British destroyers seize their moment to fire their full spread. Dozens of torpedo's speed through the water and one inevitably finds its mark. But Strasbourg is once again blessed with good fortune and is struck in a non critical area, causing only superficial damage.  

Turn 12: The three French cruisers and two battlecruisers get in formation and make all speed to Oran. Strasbourg takes a pummelling from Warspite as she screens the rest of the fleet, leaving both French capitol ships one hull box away from being crippled. 

Turns: 13 & 14: Wasting no time the French fleet shoots straight past Warspite, who's damaged fire control computer prevents her scoring any more significant hits. Nelson valiantly gives chase but soon lags behind and falls out of range. The French escape with the loss of four destroyers, but having sunk two battleships as well as four British destroyers their can be no doubt as to the victor. French win!


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