
Showing posts from November, 2024

Tunisia - April 1943

  Deployment: A German panzer grenadier regiment are defending a key crossroads and the terrain features which dominate it. They expect the British to attack up the road from the south, and have entrenched a battalion facing in that direction on the reverse slope of the line of hills. Waiting to deliver a counterpunch at the right moment, their second battalion occupies the village on their left supported by a panzer IV company hull down on the hills. Several Pak40 anti tank platoons are positioned in the orchards and woodland behind their lines, ready to deal with any enemy armour. Turn 1: The Germans are wrong footed as the British mass two battalions with a company of Churchills in support and advance from the south east under the cover of a heavy smoke barrage.  Turn 2: The overconfident British sweep into the town, and are shocked to discover a whole company tenaciously holding it. A platoon of tanks is knocked out and the infantry sent reeling back with heavy casualties....

Malati Bridge

 Deployment: In this scenario we are refighting No. 3 Commandos attack on Malati bridge during the allied invasion of Sicily. Their objective is to secure the bridge, remove the demolition charges and then hold it against counterattack until reinforcements arrive. The bridge is defended by 3 pillboxes each containing a heavy machinegun team. In addition there is an Italian commander, a light anti tank gun, and an infantry platoon distributed amongst the defences. Turn 1: 1st and 2nd troop advance clear of the plantation and immediately come under heavy machinegun fire. They set about trying to establish their own firebase.  Turn 2: A platoon from 1st troop dashes forwards to take out the heavy machinegun. They gun down the crew with their Sten's, but are then driven back with heavy casualties by point blank high explosive fire from the anti tank gun.  Turn 3: The rest of the battalion lays down a withering hail of suppressive fire, and 1st troop launch straight back in fo...


Deployment : In this game we are refighting the Royal Navy's attack on Mers-El-Kebir using Nimitz . The French fleet are caught at anchor and must fight their way out of port and escape eastwards along the Algerian coast. The French cannot move or fire in the first turn, and they must negotiate the British laid minefield blocking the harbour exit. To account for the very close proximity of French ships in harbour, shot's against them are randomised and they are limited to slow speed until they cross the minefield. The forces are an approximation of those used in the actual battle, substituting in vessels of the same or comparable class where necessary*. Turn 1: The order is given and the British fleet closes within range and fires its first salvo. Provence  is hit by Ramillies , but the rest of the ordinance smashes harmlessly into the harbour and cliff face.  Turn 2: The French fleet quickly reacts, upping anchor and building speed as the capital ships turn towards the harbou...