Romans vs Parthians
Deployment: The defending parthian's deploy a command containing cataphracts, horse archers and javelinmen between the marsh and the gully on the right. In the broad open space to the left of the marsh they have another command of medium and light horse archers. The romans have a small command of auxiliary italian allies on the right, sheltered behind the gully. Their strategist holds the centre with a mixed command of one full legion, an elephant with escorting theurophoroi, and a weak cavalry detachment. On the left the remaining legion is in march column, angled towards the centre of the battlefield. Roman Turn 1: The romans begin a general advance. The strategist splits up his forces, pushing ahead with the elephants whilst detaching his cavalry to screen the march column from the horde of horse archers on the left. On the right the italian auxilaries move up towards the safety of the gully. Parthian Turn 1: The italians freeze at the sound of hooves and clanking a...