Space Marines vs Chaos

Deployment: This is a 'plant the flag' mission with each side trying to claim the majority of the buildings. The space marines start with their devastators and captain occupying the warehouse in the centre of their line. On the left they have a tactical squad, with two more tactical squads and the assault marines on the right. safely hidden behind the warehouse they have a whirlwind, whilst infiltrating ahead the scouts have claimed the large factory. The chaos warband has a short battleline, with a pair of noise marine and chaos space marine squads on both left and right, whilst the chaos lord leads his host from the centre.

Space Marine Turn 1: The space marine captain takes two tactical squads forwards to claim the capitol building. The landspeeder shoots down the right flank ready to support the scouts, whilst another tactical squad and the assault marines claim the tower on the left. The whirlwind lays down a minefield, trying to pin the chaos marines in place. 

Chaos Turn 1: Amused at the hubris of the emperors lackeys, the chaos lord gallops his steeds forwards into their midst, slaughtering four tactical marines. Meanwhile on the left the chaos marines deftly clear the minefield with minimal casualties. On the right the noise marines climb up to secure the pipes and begin to exchange fire with the space marine devastators. 

Space Marine Turn 2: The captain leads a tactical squad and the assault squad in a countercharge to vanquish the vile chaos champion. Three assault marines are hacked to pieces, but their veteran sergeant gets the final blow by crushing the skull of his enemy, removing a lethal threat to the imperium's finest. 

Chaos Turn 2: Daemonic furies emerge screeching from the warp and swoop into the remaining assault marines, ripping them apart in a whirlwind of razor sharp claws before ploughing on into the tactical squad. Two noise and one chaos marine squad pour their vast collective firepower into the space marine captain standing proudly at the top of the stairs, but his terminator armour absorbs shot after shot leaving him unharmed and poised to deliver the emperors justice. 

Space Marine Turn 3: The tactical squad on the left advance towards the tanks, but despite overwhelming firepower the devastators fail to soften up the noise marines ensconced on the upper floors. The tactical marines in the capitol counterattack the furies, and with the combat swinging against them the weak willed daemons begins to evaporate back into the warp. The captain stands his ground and carves apart the chaos marine squad on the stairs with his twin lightning claws. In the factory the scouts seize their moment and charge the noise marines, but the disciples of slaanesh lithely dance out of the way seeming to dodge every blow and suck the momentum out of the neophytes assault. 

Chaos Turn 3: With a thunderous snap the world rends apart for a fraction of a moment, before sealing shut again having disgorged the daemonettes into realspace. They gleefully tear into the scouts from behind, savouring the flicker of fear from these transhumans before eviscerating their bodies. Finishing their work they leap up the stairs to deal with the space marine captain. In the tanks the noise marines pour their fire into the tactical squad in the open, thinning their numbers, whilst the chaos marines below spread out to meet them. 

Space Marine Turn 4: The remains of a tactical squad plunge down the steps to the aid of their captain, but in that moment they are caught in the barrage of their own whirlwind firing mine laden missiles into their midst. The gutted squad and overmatched space marine captain are brought down, but the mines tear through the daemonettes as they advance into and at last claim the capitol building. Meanwhile the landspeeder guns its engines to zoom over the battlefield and support the attack on the tanks. Two tactical squads charge into the chaos marines on the lower floor, smothering their foes in burning promethium as they go. But for all their corruption they are still astartes, and the chaos marines grimly hold the line. 

Chaos Turn 4: The slaaneshi obliterator chooses this moment to teleport into the fray. Having honed his skills beyond the perfection of mere mortals, his arm reconfigures into a meltagun and dispatches the landspeeder with a precise point blank shot. Meanwhile the two squads of noise marines harmonise across the rooftops and smother the devastators in a soul destroying cadence, the one survivor flees the field to nurture what remains of his sanity. Finally the daemonettes dart once more into the fray, flaying two more space marines and forcing the survivors to pull back.

Space Marine Turn 5: The tactical squad withdraw just enough to effectively deploy their flamer, immolating the daemonettes and filling the alley with the scent of burning warp flesh. 

Chaos Turn 5:  The chaos marines and obliterator close in for the kill, but not before one of the tactical marines buries his combat knife in the obliterators neck. The slaaneshi man-machine is enraged at this aberrant imperfection and is induced to vulgarly smash the astartes into inhuman piles of flesh and ceramite. A final tremelo from the noise marines blastmaster imobilises the whirlwind, ensuring the space marines cannot capture any more of the city. With the majority of buildings under their control, Chaos win!


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