Space Marines Vs Chaos and LATD
Deployment: This is a 'plant the flag' mission with the victory going to the side with the most claimed buildings at the end of turn 6. The space marines have a strong centre with a devastator squad, tactical squad and terminators occupying the tanks. behind the tanks they have a whirlwind, landspeeder, dreadnought, and another tactical squad in reserve. Tucked behind the pipe a scout squad guards the weak right flank, whilst on their left another tactical squad alongside the chapter master and assault marines stand ready to advance and claim the factory. Finally the space marines have a veteran squad that have infiltrated next to the crater way behind enemy lines. The chaos alliance (a slaaneshi aligned space marine warband and a nurglitch lost and the damned horde) have a force of noise marines, plague zombies and their daemon prince on the left. In the centre they have more noise marines occupying the capitol, regular chaos space marines, gibbering hordes and chaos spawn. On...