Space Marines Vs Chaos and LATD

Deployment: This is a 'plant the flag' mission with the victory going to the side with the most claimed buildings at the end of turn 6. The space marines have a strong centre with a devastator squad, tactical squad and terminators occupying the tanks. behind the tanks they have a whirlwind, landspeeder, dreadnought, and another tactical squad in reserve. Tucked behind the pipe a scout squad guards the weak right flank, whilst on their left another tactical squad alongside the chapter master and assault marines stand ready to advance and claim the factory. Finally the space marines have a veteran squad that have infiltrated next to the crater way behind enemy lines. The chaos alliance (a slaaneshi aligned space marine warband and a nurglitch lost and the damned horde) have a force of noise marines, plague zombies and their daemon prince on the left. In the centre they have more noise marines occupying the capitol, regular chaos space marines, gibbering hordes and chaos spawn. On their right they have more chaos space marines alongside plague marines in the warehouse. A small squad of traitors have infiltrated ahead into the factory. 

Space Marine Turn 1: In the opening shot of the game, the space marine veterans learn a sharp lesson about the perils of plasma weapons. Both the plasma cannon and gun overheat, with the former exploding to leave nothing of its owner from the waist up. 

The assault marines perform far better, jumping forwards to immolate the traitors, allowing a tactical squad to claim the factory. The whirlwind lays a minefield directly over the daemon prince and plague zombies.

Chaos Alliance Turn 1: The force in the centre pushes across the open ground towards the factory. Both the plague marines in the warehouse and noise marines in the capitol opt to hold their objectives for now and engage in indecisive long range shooting. On the left the noise marines and plague zombies manage to advance clear of the minefield, claiming the archive building. The daemon prince dances elegantly between the mines, but his progress is nonetheless slow.

Space Marine Turn 2: The landspeeder ploughs forwards and engulfs the archive in a roar of flame. The terminators and devastators thin the advancing enemy ranks from the safety of their building, whilst the assault marines pull back to their start position ready to redeploy where needed. 

Chaos Alliance Turn 2: Gaily galloping forwards, the deamon prince carves a swathe through a tactical squad, but the dazed survivors refuse to retreat.  

At that moment an obliterator crackles into realspace in the midst of the imperial lines, and blasts the dreadnought point blank with his meltagun. The dreadnought is only saved by his years of experience and extra armour, twisting so that the blow glances off.

 The plague zombies stumble forwards oblivious to the flames lapping round them, but fail to make it into melee.

Finally a pack of furies come screaming from the warp to attack a tactical squad and the space marine commander. Caught unawares and with their backs to the enemy the astartes are thankful for the emperors protection, and their thick ceramite armour, which miraculously saves them from a pitiful end. 

Space Marine Turn 3: The devastators deftly respond to the threat and dispatch the obliterator in a barrage of missile fire. The tactical squad likewise turn to face their new enemies and crush them one by one, but not before the furies injure the space marine commander. The whirlwind unleashes another salvo of mines, but the gibbering hordes worm their way into the factory and find shelter on its lower floors. The scouts charge in to butcher the last of the plague zombies before consolidating into the noise marines. 

The dreadnought stomps into melee with the deamon prince, but infused with both the gifts of slaanesh and a cocktail of combat drugs the chaos warlord leaps lightning fast into the air and carves off the dreadnoughts power fist. 

Chaos Alliance Turn 3: The noise marines find their salvation as a pack of daemonettes emerge from the warp to massacre the space marine scouts, forcing the veteran sergeant and his one remaining neophyte to flee. The daemon prince easily finishes off the tactical squad whilst dodging the crippled dreadnoughts clumsy blows. In the factory the chaos spawn, gibbering hordes, and a squad of chaos space marines continue their advance towards the enemy commander. 

Space Marine Turn 4: The chapter master grits his teeth and accepts the prudence of pulling back, abandoning the factory to the enemy. The assault marines meanwhile shoot straight for the tower and into combat with a squad of chaos marines, attempting to wrest control of the building from them. The devastators direct their fire onto the noise marines, greatly thinning their numbers. 

The Terminators, dreadnought and surviving scouts all pile into the chaos lord, who reaps a terrible toll on the terminators before finally being dragged down.

Chaos Alliance Turn 4: The Daemonettes leap into combat with the assault marines, somehow matched in speed if not grace by the chaos spawn. Most of the squad are slaughtered, but the veteran sergeant grimly holds on.

Space Marine Turn 5: The dreadnought,  scouts and a tactical squad charge to their brethren's rescue, butchering the chaos marines and daemonettes. Too stupid to know when to retreat, the chaos spawn only stop when their bodies are ripped asunder and smashed into a paste by the assault marine sergeants powerfist. The tower is at last claimed by the space marines.

Chaos Alliance Turn 5: In the archive the lone remaining noise marine tootles his flute mightily. The sonic waves rupture the landspeeder pilots superhuman eardrums at just the right moment, and in his distraction ploughs the vehicle into the ground. 

Turn 6: Both armies are shattered, but make a final lunge for victory. The dreadnought and tactical squad march into the archive, claiming it for the imperium. The chapter master advances back into the factory, but now its the chaos marines turn to deftly retreat, denying the objective to the enemy. For a moment the noise marines in the capitol consider a desperate charge to reclaim the tower in the centre, but their opportunity is lost as the assault marine sergeant suicidally lands in their midst. With 3 buildings held by each side, the game is a draw!


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