
Showing posts from March, 2023

Classical Indian Vs Roman

Deployment: The romans have both legions in the only clear patch of their terrain-crowded deployment zone, with italian allies behind in reserve and a cavalry detachment stuck in the swamp. The classical indians have concentrated their elephants on the open flank, put their heavy chariots in the centre, and are defending the woods on their left with bowmen. They also have a detachment of bow/swordsmen concealed in the woods on the very edge of the battlefield Roman Turn 1: The strategist leads his legion boldly forwards towards the indian bowmen. The velites scout one of the possible ambush sites whilst the italian allies stay guarding the rear. The remaining legion advances in echelon to the left, refusing the flank facing the indian pachederms. The roman cavalry inch their way out of the swamp and prepare to outflank the indian line.  Indian Turn 1: The swordsmen rise from their positions and come crashing through the trees, the startled velites are caught completely flat footed ...