Classical Indian Vs Roman

Deployment: The romans have both legions in the only clear patch of their terrain-crowded deployment zone, with italian allies behind in reserve and a cavalry detachment stuck in the swamp. The classical indians have concentrated their elephants on the open flank, put their heavy chariots in the centre, and are defending the woods on their left with bowmen. They also have a detachment of bow/swordsmen concealed in the woods on the very edge of the battlefield

Roman Turn 1: The strategist leads his legion boldly forwards towards the indian bowmen. The velites scout one of the possible ambush sites whilst the italian allies stay guarding the rear. The remaining legion advances in echelon to the left, refusing the flank facing the indian pachederms. The roman cavalry inch their way out of the swamp and prepare to outflank the indian line. 

Indian Turn 1: The swordsmen rise from their positions and come crashing through the trees, the startled velites are caught completely flat footed and are slaughtered and scattered as they try to retreat through the italian lines. The indian bowmen and chariots advance to support the ambushers, squaring off against the legionaries, whilst the elephant corps splits to face off against the roman cavalry.

Roman Turn 2: The ambush has thrown the roman right into disarray. As some legionaries about face to crush the swordsmen from behind, the remainder advance towards the bowmen. The second legion abruptly forms into column and marches  up to narrow the gap whilst their velites pre-emptively retreat towards safety. The cavalry commander bravely leads his retinue to distract the elephants whilst sending the rest of his force towards the indian camp. 

Indian Turn 2: The element of surprise gone, the indian swordsmen struggle against the armoured might of the roman legion and elite extraordinarii. The bowmen and chariots slam forwards to support their comrades, wiping out a unit of triarii on the flank. Whilst the elephants ponderously advance, the mediocre indian cavalry race ahead to deliver two stinging assaults. One unit cuts off the retreat of the  roman cavalry commander, forcing him to fight (and unsurprisingly be stomped by) a unit of elephants. The other gallops madly after the velites, who again roll short and are trampled underfoot. 

Roman Turn 3: The second roman legion turns to face the oncoming elephants while the italian allies spring forwards to fill the gap between the two legions. The ambush force on the right continues to be slowly ground down by the superior romans, whilst on the left the surviving cavalry keep advancing around the enemy flank. 

Indian Turn 3: The elephant corps lumbers forwards and engages the Italian allies, but the commander cannot co-ordinate his disjointed force and address the roman threat to the camp. Though a chariot is lost the bowmen hold on heroically against the armoured legionaries, even pushing through the woods to hit an isolated unit in the flank.

Roman Turn 4: Making the most of the confusion in the enemies ranks, the roman legion on the left redress their own lines and then charge the elephant corp. Their boldness pays off and they get the best of the opening clash. With the pressure on that flank relieved, the strategist puts all his energy into rallying the beleaguered legion on the right, dragging two units back from the brink of rout. The only disappointment for the romans is the loss of their cavalry commander has meant the detachment tasked with taking the camp are overcome with uncertainty and dither instead of lunging in for the kill.

Indian Turn 4: The elephant corps rally from the initial shock and fight back, trading blows with the legion which leaves both sides with a hole in their line. The escorting infantry finish off the italian allies and swarm into the gap. Meanwhile the psiloi to the rear about face and begin to whittle down the isolated roman cavalry.

Roman Turn 5: Spurred to action by the psiloi's peppering, the roman cavalry recover from their indecision. Half charge down and drive off their attackers whilst the rest gallop into and at last sack the indian camp. The right flank is finally secured as the last of the indian ambushers are slaughtered. But at just this moment the roman centre is decisively punctured as the remaining triarii break under the elephant onslought. With both armies bloodied and scattered, the game ends in a draw.


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