Straights of Sicily - February 1941

Setup: The Vichy French have a vital convoy they must escort from the safety of Algeria to their far flung colony of Syria, through the contested waters of the central Mediterranean. In this campaign we are using an adaptation of the Nimitz 'straights of Sicily' scenario. The French have a small airstrip at Bizerte whilst the British have a more substantial airfield on Malta. British naval assets are assumed to be arriving from the direction of Alexandria. Day 1 Morning: The British win the initiative and launch an overwhelming first strike. Eight flights of Hudson bombers take off from Malta and proceed to destroy the entirety of the French bomber wing whilst they are still on the runways at Bizerte.* Day 1 Afternoon: Four more flights of Hudson spot the lone French cruiser Gloire scouting the Tunisian coast. She is badly damaged in their attack run. Day 1 Night: Storms roll out east of Sicily. The hidden British naval assets remain uncommitted off the Libyan coast,...