Simplified Antietam - Morning of 17th September 1862
Deployment: The Army of Northern Virginia faces disaster. It has been caught out with its Division's scattered across Maryland, and now faces the far larger union army with its back to the Potomac. Fortunately reinforcements are on the way and the union commander seems determined to squander his decisive advantage by sending in his forces piecemeal. In this northern part of the battlefield 'stonewall' Jackson's wing of confederates face a union Corp under 'fightin' Joe Hooker. To win the union must capture the 'Dunker' church near the southern edge of the board by the end of turn 12, signifying that they have successfully turned the rebel flank. For this scenario we are using simplified orders of battle, with Hooker as the sole union Corp commander on the field. We have also standardised brigade sizes at 8 stands to aid speed of play. Both sides have reinforcements with variable arrival times. The union have two starting Division's; Doubleday on the ...