
The Wars of Religion - Fields of Glory

Deployment: In this battle both sides are simply seeking to destroy the opposing army whilst preserving as much of their own force as possible. The Spanish/ Catholics have opted to put their cavalry and artillery in the centre between the swamp and the forest, whilst their infantry anchor both flanks. The French Huguenots have cavalry forming a front rank all along the line, but have weighted most of their infantry towards their left. Turn 1: The Spanish mounted arquebusiers begin some indecisive skirmishing in the centre. Their musketeers push through the forest, whilst the rest of the infantry slowly swing around the terrain and close in from the flanks. The French march their infantry past the cornfields to their left, leaving their cavalry to screen the centre.  Turn 2: Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex leads a body of French cuirassiers in a daring charge to smash the papist mounted arquebusiers. Just as quickly he gallops to the rear when the Spanish reiters counter attack. The rema

East Ukraine - August 1943

Turn 1: The post- Kursk soviet counteroffensive rolls on. In this engagement we have elements of a motorised division making a hasty attack against an understrength German grenadier regiment. The battle opens with the advance of two infantry battalions with attached SU-76 and SU-85 assault guns. The 1st battalion heads straight up the road, whilst the 2nd captures the village and then moves along the railway line in a wide flanking arc.   Turn 2: The SU-85's charge ahead, straight into a German ambush! Two Pak40 battery's and a panther platoon bark out from the wheatfield, instantly destroying the soviet assault guns.  Turn 3: Scouts attached to the soviet 2nd battalion uncover a German force guarding the cross roads. They are powerless to stop the grenadiers from combining their firepower with the heavy machineguns in the field as they scythe through the exposed Soviet battalion on the road. Meanwhile the Pak 40's switch targets and quickly eliminate the SU-76's.  Turn

Tunisia - March 1943

  Turn 1: The Germans are counterattacking in Tunisia. A panzer battalion with attached panzer grenadiers sweeps forward on the right and captures a vital hill overlooking the road with no opposition.  Turn 2: The reconnaissance armoured cars boldly dash up the road, uncovering but being rapidly overwhelmed by a company of churchill tanks hull down on the central hill, alongside a 6lb anti tank gun.  Turn 3: With the enemies location confirmed, the second battalion of panzer grenadiers advance towards the centre. The panzers continue their swing around to the right.  Turn 4: A reconnaissance section scouts the treeline ahead of the panzers, uncovering a British infantry company. The bulk of the panzers dip into the gulley towards the enemy tanks.  Turn 5: The two battalions surge forwards towards the central hill in a synchronised attack, and at the same moment the British reveal their reserve on the reverse slope and a whole second battalion in the hedges and woods on the left.  Turn