East Ukraine - August 1943

Turn 1: The post- Kursk soviet counteroffensive rolls on. In this engagement we have elements of a motorised division making a hasty attack against an understrength German grenadier regiment. The battle opens with the advance of two infantry battalions with attached SU-76 and SU-85 assault guns. The 1st battalion heads straight up the road, whilst the 2nd captures the village and then moves along the railway line in a wide flanking arc.  

Turn 2: The SU-85's charge ahead, straight into a German ambush! Two Pak40 battery's and a panther platoon bark out from the wheatfield, instantly destroying the soviet assault guns. 

Turn 3: Scouts attached to the soviet 2nd battalion uncover a German force guarding the cross roads. They are powerless to stop the grenadiers from combining their firepower with the heavy machineguns in the field as they scythe through the exposed Soviet battalion on the road. Meanwhile the Pak 40's switch targets and quickly eliminate the SU-76's. 

Turn 4: The Soviet artillery rains down from overhead. The hedgerows across the river are fiercely bombarded, stunning some of the German platoons in ambush and wrecking a battery of Pak 38's. In the same moment the Soviet reserve is ordered forward and a full tank brigade with an attached rifle battalion advances boldly up the road towards the German strongpoint. This is not a moment too soon as 1st Battalion breaks after sustaining overwhelming casualties. 

Turn 5: The Pak 40's and panthers refocus on the horde of T34's coming their way. The guns grow hot from continuous fire, but for each tank destroyed another seems to take its place. The Soviet infantry in the centre hang back out of machine gun range, but on both flanks they push forward and put pressure on the enemy.

Turn 6: With the situation growing desperate the German commander orders his reserve battalion to move from the hedges on the far side of the river and counterattack. The infantry fight a desperate battle in the woods and along the river on the left flank, with platoons forced to fight off T70 light tanks with nothing but grenades and small arms. 

Turn 7: Too late the German battalion on the crossroad attempt to pull back, but are routed by the overwhelming force of Soviets coming up on their flank. With the right flank wide open the Soviet's surge up and capture the hill. In the centre Soviet infantry move up to engage in a fierce firefight with their counterparts, whilst the outmatched T34's continue to heroically exchange fire with the panzers and anti tank guns. On the left flank the T70's push across the stream and prepare to swing round into the heart of the German defensive line. 

Turn 8: As the soviet infantry finally gain the upper hand and the T70's smash into the German flank, the last of the T34's are destroyed. The high tide suddenly becomes an ebb, and then a flight as the tank brigade commander panics and orders his force to fall back. The German centre has held. Just. Now the Soviet 2nd battalion are left alone to fight it out and try push the German's over the precipice before their reinforcements can stream across the river and bolster the defence.  

Turn 9: The German reserve battalion throws out a hasty skirmish line to confront the onrushing soviets on the open right flank. In the centre the panthers roll out of the wheatfield to engage the Soviet infantry.

Turn 10: The German heavy machine guns are rapidly brought to bear and demonstrate just how effective they can be against infantry in the open. The soviet flanking force is slaughtered as they try in vain to bring their own firepower to bear. 

Turn 11: Without fear of reprisal from enemy armour, the panthers and Pak 40's pulverize the soviet line with high explosives. In the carnage that follows platoon after platoon is wiped out with barely a whisper of response from the Soviet's light 45mm antitank guns. 

Turn 12: The Georgians on the front line decide to risk it all with a brave assault on the enemy panthers, but caught in a deadly crossfire none even make it within molotov range. At last the final Soviet battalion is repulsed, allowing the Germans to consolidate and stabilise this part of the line. Germans win!


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