Chaos Vs Eldar

Deployment: In this game both sides are attempting to gain control of the area by having the most scoring units within 12 inches of the table centre. The chaos player has two squads of traitor Astarte's in the middle of their line and a squad of noise marines anchoring each flank. The slaaneshi chaos lord is lurking deep in the factory on the right. The eldar have a strong force ready to march up the centre consisting of a wraithlord, avatar, storm guardians, howling banshees, and the seer council. On the left they have their warp spiders, and on the right a vyper, each backed up by a squad of black guardians. 

Eldar Turn 1: The ulthwe host advance and lay down a volley of fire, but for the most part stay cautiously within the shelter of the ruins.

Chaos Turn 1: The noise marines demonstrate their unrivalled firepower, ejaculating a soul rattling crescendo onto the seer council. The wizened old farseers are only saved by their wraithbone armour and psychic prescience, allowing them to reroll their invulnerable saves and absorb an incredible amount of punishment. The Chaos lord rides up to the corner of the building, but is distracted by the 'delightful' music and wastes the opportunity to move forwards quickly.

Eldar Turn 2: Whilst one farseer keeps up the fortune spell, his colleague feels the presence of the chaos lord and reaches out with his mind. Finding that utterly corrupted soul, he rips it apart in less than a heartbeat. Returning to his mundane senses the old eldar allows himself a slight smile, as even across the din of battle he hears the 'pop' of his enemies head exploding. Meanwhile the howling banshees dash into the capitol building and sprint towards the chaos astartes.

Chaos Turn 2: Blasting a swirling hole from the warp through the fabric of reality, the daemonettes arrive. They charge headlong into the warp spiders and slaughter the surprised aspect warriors with gleeful ease. On the opposite flank the obliterator teleports into the fray, but manages to miss the vyper with his twin linked meltagun. In the centre the chaos astartes level their bolters and mow down the oncoming howling banshees before they can reach combat. 

Eldar Turn 3: The storm guardians bravely dart forward to face the great enemies foot soldiers, immolating the deamonettes with their flamers. The avatar roars and prepares to charge the obliterator. The black guardians, with their war gods cry ringing in their ears are inspired into a laser focused frenzy of martial prowess. Every shuriken and scatter laser shot unerringly finds the weak spots in the obliterators coalescent warp infused armour, bringing the goliath down. 

Chaos Turn 3: The noise marines direct their sonic blasters onto the unfortunate black guardians. With blood pouring from the lifeless skulls of most of his charges, the warlock pulls the survivors back and out of the battle. The traitor marines charge into the capitol to hold up the eldar wraithlord and give the rest of their army time to keep firing. 

Eldar Turn 4: With the left flank collapsing the avatar and seer council push their way into the centre. Along the way the farseer crushes another mind of a slaaneshi minion, denying the noise marines in the factory their blastmaster. Meanwhile the wraithlord methodically dismembers the chaos astartes in melee until none remain. 

Chaos Turn 4: A tear in the sky disgorges a flock of furies from the warp, and they swoop down to sink their talons into the avatar of khaine. The sole remaining traitor marine squad dash past the wraithlord in search of easier prey, butchering the hapless storm guardians. 

Turn 5: The wraithlord slowly turns, and with huge lumbering strides catches up with its quarry. It stamps and smashes and kicks the armoured astartes until they are nothing more than a pile of broken bones and rent flesh. The avatar with more vigor does the same to its daemonic foes. The farseer reaches out yet again and psychically extinguishes another noise marine blastmaster, but nearly pays the ultimate price as his soul is clawed at by the beings in the warp. 

Turn 6: The last remaining noise marine defiantly aims his flute at the seer council. Its shrill toot stopping the heart of a young warlock who tumbles from the ruin. With the centre of the board firmly in their hands, Eldar win!


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