Old Feuds: Rus Vs Carolingians

Deployment: The Carolingians have enlisted a veteran soldier of the wilderness to help them track down and eliminate the Rus protected green wizard (princess). Victory will go to the side that can eliminate the others special character, or cripple the enemies warband through victory points. The Carolingians have a powerful unit of mounted hearthguard on their left, archers in the ruins on the right, and the soldier with two small squads of warriors in between. The Rus are arrayed in a dense phalanx to protect their patron. 

Turn 1: The Carolingian infantry tentatively manoeuvre forward whilst their horsemen secure the hill on the flank. 

Carolingian Turn 2: The Frankish archers advance to take a potshot at the Rus levy, but only one is slain.

Rus Turn 2: Goaded into a hasty advance, the levy shower their foes with javelins, but the bowmen are saved by their defensor ability. 

Turn 3: The hearthguard race down the hill and smash into the levy's flanks, slaying all bar one of the Slavic peasants before retreating with ardour. The Rus can only respond with a frozen wind in the vain hope of exhausting the Carolingian horsemen.

Carolingian Turn 4: The archers now unleash a withering double volley, using vinco and potentia to cull the elite Varangian hearthguard and open a path to the wizard (princess). The shock loss of their best troops adds to the fatigue of the rest of the Rus warband.

Rus Turn 4: Finally with a board fully stacked and their enemies within reach, the Rus warriors charge home. They throw everything they have at the Frankish hearthguard. Wrath of the east, white wolves, black bears and blood feud are matched only against their enemies paltry defensor. But the Rus appear to be under some sort of curse, as luck deserts them utterly and the warriors are thrown back with heavy casualties. 

Carolingian Turn 5: Drunk on victory the warlord contemptuously rides up to finish off them off, but is surprised by Rus tenacity and saved only by the sacrifice of his bodyguards

Rus Turn 5: The last remaining unit of Rus warriors launch a forlorn charge to lessen the shame of defeat, losing 5 of their number. The green wizard (princess) makes a run for it, but without his protectors will be easy prey for his nemesis. Carolingians win!


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