Dark Eldar Vs Orks

Deployment: The objective for this scenario is for each side to claim control of buildings by 'planting the flag' in them. The Dark eldar have three squads of warriors strung out to hold the rubble on the left and warehouse on the right, with the archon behind the tower in the middle of their line. The Orks have a skorcha and mob of burna boyz behind the pipe on the right. On the left they have some slugga boyz and a dreadnought waiting behind the refinery. The refinery itself is held by shoota boyz on the upper floors and grotz scurrying below. Finally they have two more mobz of sluggas and the warboss ready to surge forwards in the centre. 

Ork Turn 1: The skorcha zooms past the open gap to the safety of the capitol building, with burna boyz following close behind. A slugga boy mob pushes into the factory to claim it for the waaaagh, whilst the rest of the warband stomp forward in one great central mass. 

Dark Eldar Turn 1: The warriors on the left manoeuvre forwards to get a better angle, scything down the lead slugga boyz with their splinter cannons. On the right the warriors pull back away from the menacing skorcha. The squad in the warehouse forego thinning the greenskin tide to take a shot at the dreadnought, but fail to cause any permanent damage. The archons attention is wholly focused on deploying the delicate webway gate, ready to call on reinforcements. 

Ork Turn 2: The grotz squirm their way forwards at the head of the horde and claim the tower in the centre, whilst the shoota boyz assume firing positions at the edge of the refinery

Dark Eldar Turn 2: The talos hurtles out of the webway gate, backed up by the archon and a squad of wyches. Together they effortlessly butcher the lead ork mob. Meanwhile the warriors recalibrate their dark lances and fire again, this time the ork dreadnought crumples to the ground in a ball of black smoke. 

Ork Turn 3: Enraged and ready for a scrap, the warboss charges straight for the talos. He dives under its giant technorganic pincer and swings upwards with his powerclaw, gutting the monstrosity and putting the pilot/victim out of their misery. The shoota boyz open up on the warriors in the rubble, and the slugga boyz in the factory fire wildly to join in. 

Dark Eldar Turn 3: Another squad of wyches leap from the webway portal. They dance around the lumbering warboss, and carve through his slugga boy mob, losing only a handful of their number in return. The mandrakes step from the shadows and claim the central tower, together with the warriors they unleash a fusillade at the shoota boyz that sends them fleeing in panic!

Ork Turn 4: The dark eldar archon lashes out with his agoniser, wrapping it around the warbosses throat. The mighty ork brings his powerfist cracking down in blow after blow, but the greenskin asphyxiates before he can buckle the arcane shadowfield. With their leader slain the slugga boyz panic and try to flee, but are cut down as they run by the remaining wyches who now claim the refinery. Elsewhere the burna boyz and skorcha move forward to claim the capitol and to challenge the dark eldar warriors. 

Dark Eldar Turn 4: As fast as they are deadly, the wyches and archon are a blur as they dart up the capitol steps and massacre the burna boyz. Loping out of the webway portal the warp beasts careen into and rip apart the ork skorcha. With the rest of their warband torn to pieces, the slugga boyz in the factory decide to leg it and fight another day. Dark eldar win!


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