City of York Militia Vs Catterick Garrison - Infiltrate

Deployment: The City of York Militia has successfully snuck around the government position in this village to attack them from the rear. Leo leads his half section on the left towards the garden wall,  whilst Mike takes his along the hedgerow on the right. With their position untenable the best the Catterick Garrison can do is pull back and try to regroup, to win at least one of their models must escape across their board edge. *

Turn 1: Pte Foggarty and Frost are dutifully guarding the road and keeping their eyes towards the enemy lines. They are startled by the sound of bullets whizzing past their ears and turn to see the rebels bearing down on them from the rear.

 Both dive for cover behind the houses. 

Turn 2: Mike and George dash across a gap in the hedgerow, but Cpl Price is alert to the danger and has swung his machinegun team around. In that moment they open fire and both men are gunned down. 

Meanwhile the rest of the Catterick Garrison reveal themselves as they turn to face the threat from their rear. 

Turn 3: Leo and Phil charge across the open fields when they see movement on that flank. Pte Dury readies his rifle and squeezes the trigger as the enemy comes into view, but in the confusion has forgotten to take the safety off! A shot through the leg from Phil puts him out of the fight. 

Turn 4: Cpl Price and Pte Owen crawl through the hedge and make a break for it, whilst Pte Foggarty and Cooke lay down covering fire to supress the enemy sniper. 

Mildred hits the deck in the meagre cover of the field. She steadily lays down fire on Pte Cooke eventually grazing his arm, forcing him to drop back and tend to his wound.  

Turn 5: Henry and Steven creep forwards around the side of the house, but Pte Frost is waiting for them and shoots henry through the heart as he rounds the corner.  

The young soldier confidently readies a grenade to finish off the militiamen, but it ricochets off the buildings wall and lands only feet away from him, pinning Pte Frost in a hail of shrapnel!

Meanwhile Pte Owen races across the gap in the hedge with a hail of bullets nipping at his heels. 

Turn 6: Leo swings around behind the dazed Pte Frost, who is made to surrender at bayonet point. 

With the coast clear Steven runs up behind Pte Foggarty and knocks him out cold with the butt of his rifle. 

Cpl price tries to follow Pte Owen across the gap, but this time Anthony has got his eye in on the Chauchat and knocks him down with a round through the shoulder. 

Turn 6: Pte Owen is the last man standing from the Catterick Garrison. He lunges towards the board edge, rolling far enough on his movement to get him to safety. Tim the sniper swings his gun around and in the last moment shoots him through the back. 

With the enemy force completely neutralised, the City of York Militia win! 

*For this game we are using 'Blackshirts and Bolsheviks' a homebrew set of interwar skirmish rules. The defender has all of their models hidden in 'blinds' from which they can deploy at the start of the game. 


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