City of York Militia Vs Catterick Garrison - Meeting Engagement

Background: In the summer of 1938, the people of York joined the growing discontent and revolted against the unjust rule of King Edward and his odious prime minister Oswald Mosely. Instead the newly formed City of York Militia have declared their support for Prince Albert, and the restoration of parliamentary democracy. The nearest government stronghold; the garrison town of Catterick have dispatched a force to retake the city. This battle is one of the many encounters between small forces in the vale of York, as the two sides attempt to probe and patrol the area and seek out any weakness in their enemy. 

Leo leads half his section towards the hedge line overlooking the likely enemy approach, whilst ordering Mike to take the rest of the men up the road to outflank. Cpl Price leads his light machine gun group up the road as well, leaving L/Cpl Mead to make a dash for the house.* 

Leo's team arrive at the hedge and spot the crown forces. Out of breath, their scattered long range rifle fire proves ineffective.

Staying back with the rest of the team to provide covering fire, Leo orders Henry and Helen to hop the hedge and advance to the house. Meanwhile Mike brings his group up to the hedge, ready to set up a crossfire

L/Cpl Mead takes up the rearguard, telling the rest of his men to get a move on. Three of them make it to the house, but Pte Dury is killed instantly shot through the head. Helen aims her rifled grenade launcher through the window, but the bloody thing jams!

Taking up positions by the windows the Catterick garrison return fire. Helen is brought down in a hail of bullets whilst Henry slams himself under the sill and starts firing blindly inside with his pistol.

Mildred panics and retreats back to road, whilst Leo shouts encouragement to the rest of the team to stay in the firefight. Anthony brings his Chauchat automatic rifle to bear against the targets in the open. A tree splinter catches Cpl Price in the temple, knocking him out cold, whilst L/Cpl Mead gets shot through the thigh and is also out of the fight. Suddenly the Catterick garrison are without any leadership! Seeing their NCO go down, Pte Owen and Pte Cooke dive forward into the cover of a brick wall.  

The firefight between the house and the hedgerow rages on. Henry chuck's in a grenade, but it's a dud! Patting himself down he realises he's left the rest of them back at camp. Seeing the enemies LMG team disappear out of site, Mike redeploys the rest of his group up the road in a bid for the second house. 

Henry picks the wrong moment to pop up from cover, and is shot through the heart by Pte Foggarty, who assumes command of the men in the house. Mike makes it into the second house, just as the enemy LMG group climb through the hedge and dash across the road. Scattered rounds ricochet off the gravel, giving both men minor wounds to the leg. 

Mike, Anthony and George set up a base of fire in the second house. Though Pte Owen and Cooke make it to the cover of the brick wall, they are pinned down and cannot fight back.

Tim edges round the side and keeps the enemies heads down. George throws a grenade through the open window, showering the government soldiers with shrapnel. Pte Owen gets a piece through the eye and Pte Cooke throws up his hands in surrender. At the same time Pte Foggarty is shot through the arm and the remainder of his team give up the fight. City of York Militia win!

* For this game we are using the 'Combat Patrol' rules system, with a few tweaks such as increasing the potency of grenades, and making each range band treble the previous one. 


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