Imperial Guard Vs Orks

Deployment: The Imperial guard have an infantry platoon and command squad clustered around the fountain. The archive acts as a bastion in the centre of their line, garrisoned by the missile launcher squad and the veterans. Slightly ahead and floating on their left flank they have another command squad and the flamer squad. 

Ork Turn 1: The horde surges forward. Top left the shooter boyz and killa kan advance, concealed by the capitol building. In the centre two mobz of slugga boyz march boldly in the open straight towards the enemy lines. Bottom right the burna boyz move slowly through the factory, whilst in the far corner the warbuggy races ahead, ready to immolate some guardsmen.

Imperial Guard Turn 1: The missile launchers, veterans, and combined mortars of the infantry platoon all rain down fire on the slugga boyz, ripping apart most of the first wave. 

Ork Turn 2: The warbuggy darts forward, but it's deadly skorcha is just out of range. The rest of the warband continues to advance but the burna boyz are left behind stumbling slowly through the rubble of the factory

Imperial Guard Turn 2: The veteran's respond to the new threat, pulling off the line and spinning round to spectacularly detonate the warbuggy with their grenade launchers. 

Ork Turn 3: As fire from the imperial lines slacken the orks surge forward, plunging through the gap between the buildings. 

Imperial Guard Turn 3: The veteran's return to their place and join the rest of the guard army in giving the slugga boyz everything they've got. The first mob are annihilated, whilst the second leg it back to join up with the burna boyz. 

Turn 4: With the nob breathing down their neck, the burna boyz finally get their act together and start making some progress through the factory. The killa kan stomps out into the open but is stunned by repeated rounds from the missile launcher team. The flamer team advance boldly towards the shooter boyz, immolating the two lead orks, but the rest of the mob are not far behind and now angrier than ever.

Ork Turn 5: The shoota boyz scream their warcries and charge. With clubbed guns they smash apart the flamer squad and pile into the command squad behind.

Imperial Guard Turn 5: The command squad fight bravely, killing two more shooter boyz before they are overun. The missile launchers finish off the killa kan, whilst the rest of the guard army focus fire on the burna boyz. One squad daringly advances within range to unleash their own flamers, but with little effect. 

Ork Turn 6: The burna boyz have their revenge, torching an entire squad before dismembering the still alight survivors in melee. The shoota boyz continue their rampage, scaling the side of the archive and hacking their way through the veterans. 

Imperial guard turn 6: The shoota boyz confidently storm the missile squads redoubt. But these brave guardsmen hold the line, and wipe out the entire ork mob in melee! With just a handful of boyz holed up in the factory remaining, the ork nob decides to fight again another day. Imperial guard win!


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